Thursday, 25 April 2013

A bee-line for my fruit trees

The first cherry blossom. Come on bees!
I'm absolutely delighted with my little cherry tree this year. Well, so far, so good. After an uneventful first two years, it's set to be completely covered in blossom this year. As you can see, it just looks gorgeous in the evening light.

But with so many flowers for the bees and butterflies to magic into fruit, I've realised that I have very few spring flowering plants to attract them to the garden. There are a few bulbs - bluebell, snake's head frittilary - and a couple of flowering currants which I only planted last year. Not much for our hungry pollinators.

So I need to do more for next year - perhaps a hawthorn or two and some forget-me-not seeds strewn about the place. That's my kind of gardening!

A sunflower, lettuces and peas in loo rolls
Meanwhile my veg seedlings are waiting patiently for the raised beds to be filled with top soil, hopefully this weekend. My lettuces are raring to go, as are the peas and spinach. They're enjoying their new home in a mini-greenhouse which CP helped to piece together. Well, when she wasn't stirring up her cauldron of stones and weeds. Apparently, she's going to learn how to ride her broomstick at big school. Perhaps it's time to get the first Harry Potter book out.

I've also potted on my leek seedlings. I've no idea if they'll come to much but they look promising in their yoghurt pots.

Yoghurt pot gardening - baby leeks

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