Well blogging clearly fell by the wayside last year! It was an exhausting season but we managed to grow a fair amount of fruit and veg. We even managed some prizes from the Emsworth Show. Unfortunately the Show was a complete washout, but we still enjoyed exhibiting. C collected her prize from Ed, the winner of the Big Allotment Challenge on telly! This was for some of her many pink and purple flowers which seemed to thrive in her raised bed without too much attention.
And I was thrilled to win second prize for my 'Dig for Victory' flower arrangement which brought together all our efforts in one pot. It included pepper, courgette, kale, raspberries, apple, potatoes, kale, herbs as well as leek and potato flowers. I also included salvia tinged with blood red, and buddleia to represent regrowth from the ashes.
My veg didn't get anything, basically because I wasn't allowed to enter the novice categories following the previous year's success. But I just love being in the marquee first thing in the morning, laying everything out and having a nosey at everyone else's offerings before the crowds descend.
I really struggled to find the time and space to keep up with the garden, and I found the whole season quite exhausting and several things went to waste. I didn't even get round to picking the last of the peppers, which were still going in December I think, such an amazingly long season! And it wasn't until March that I ventured out in the cold to pull the last of the leeks. Meanwhile, Pierre the Peacock finished off the kale. We haven't seen him much since then. I must remember to put netting over any brassicas I grow this year!
One major development was the very kind gift of a playhouse from Nana and Grandad, which the girls helped to put up and paint. I know it will make a big different to the time spent in the garden this year, thanks Ma and Da!
The garden had a good hibernation, with a couple of flurries of snow and lots of frost, which killed off the greenfly this year, thank goodness.
By the time the sun started to get warmer, we were ready to start clearing and planning. Seedy Sunday in February was a great reviver, and we all bought lots of seeds.
By the time the crocuses poked through, we were ready and waiting to get stuck in again.